The process of lyophilization is getting more and more popular all over the world. Not surprisingly, the list of advantages related to the use of this method is quite long. One of the main benefits of lyophilized products is the ability to preserve a high quality of substances contained in food. This fact is of enormous importance especially when it comes to herbs and spices as they are responsible for flavour and aroma which is a significant matter of each product. Therefore, the lyophilization leads to a proper food preservation and helps to enjoy a meal with precious nutritional values.

Herbs and spices in the food industry

Over the centuries, humanity has discovered various aromatic plants. New species of herbs and spices quickly gained recognition. Especially the period between the 15th and 18th centuries was very rich in the use of previously unknown types. Traders from Portugal, Spain, and the Netherlands competed with each other to bring better spices from the Middle and Far East. Today, herbs and spices are an indispensable element in every kitchen. They are a great addition to various types of dishes. Many of them form an almost inseparable bond and it is difficult to replace them with anything.

Kinds of herbs and spices

Spices and herbs come in various forms. There are three types of spices. These are vegetable, spicy, and herbal spices. The first type includes mainly dried and minced vegetables such as garlic, peppers, parsley, and onion. Herbal spices are obtained from crushed leaves of plants such as marjoram, thyme, rosemary, basil, mint, juniper, sage, and oregano. Spicy spices include ginger, cloves, pepper, cinnamon, turmeric, nutmeg, allspice, cardamom along with anise. Moreover, they are often divided into fruit, leaf, flower, or seed spices. The food industry is also based largely on mixing different spices, through which a new taste or flavor can be created. One of the most popular spice mixtures is curry, which includes white pepper, yellow mustard, red pepper, ginger, coriander, and cumin.

The importance of the properties of herbs and spices

This huge variety of spices and herbs offers great possibilities for cooking and the products. Plants add to dishes not only flavor and aroma but also nutritional and medicinal properties. Their presence is extremely positive. Various spices and herbs can serve as an example here. Turmeric is very useful when there is pain in the joint area – it supports the regeneration of strength, and its mechanism of action is similar to aspirin. Another spice that is beneficial for the body is ginger, which has a positive effect on well-being and the synthesis of reproductive hormones. It eliminates difficulties in falling asleep. Cloves help to improve carbohydrate metabolism, lower sugar levels, and eliminate the risk of cardiovascular diseases. One of the most popular spices today is rosemary, which also contributes to the better functioning of the human immune system, and at the same time supports memory, concentration, and digestion. Cumin should also be mentioned, as it affects cognitive abilities, accelerates the learning process, supports digestion, and improves immunity. The benefits listed are just a few examples of the many advantages that spices and herbs provide. The vitamins and nutritional values ​​they contain are of significant importance to the human system. For this reason, the preservation of products that contain spices and herbs should not lead to their destruction. Lyophilization is the best method to preserve as much of these substances as possible, so the product does not lose its nutritional value, and the consumer can enjoy good taste along with the excellent quality of the added spices and herbs.

Drying herbs and spices – what is it for?

Drying is one of the most significant post-harvest actions regarding herbs and spices. It not only lowers the moisture content of the plant but also inhibits enzymatic and microbial operations. It leads to an increase in the shelf life of the final material. The product obtained this way can be used or applied for a prolonged period. What is more, the process of drying changes the dimensions of plant materials by reducing their weight and volume, which in turn is very positive in relation to transport and storage.

Thanks to the process of drying, the composition of active substances present in herbs and spices does not change at any level or is obtained with a slight difference that is completely accepted by the customer due to the high quality of the product. Moreover, the drying process ensures that the appearance characteristics will not be destroyed. All of this gives evidence of the fact that herbs and spices will maintain their best quality thanks to the drying process, and lyophilization can only prolong their shelf life.

Essential oils of herbs and spices

The organoleptic properties of herbs and spices are mainly determined by volatile oils. They are responsible for the characteristic flavor and aroma of a given plant. Essential oils determine their distinct taste and scent. This way herbs and spices are so desirable when it comes to ingredients that have to appear in the kitchen. The absence of volatile oils would make the dish unattractive as they intensify the sensory experience of consuming herbs and spices, and this in turn adds to the overall enjoyment during eating.

The influence of lyophilization on the essential oils of herbs and spices

Lyophilization is a method based on freezing and drying the product using reduced pressure. Lyophilized products retain 90% of their nutritional value, vitamins, taste, and aroma. During processing, freeze-dried herbs are immediately transformed into fresh ones because they absorb moisture again, revealing their original character, pure taste, and color.

Lyophilization is one of the best techniques for the preservation of herbs and spices as it ensures greater retention of the major essential compounds. The process is the same as with other freeze-dried products. Herbs such as basil, oregano, thyme, chives, and many others are first frozen. When the water contained in these herbs is preserved, the product undergoes a sublimation process under very low pressure. In this way, the water changes its state from solid to gas and is removed from the herbs. Then, another stage of drying is performed, which reduces the water level in the material as much as possible, and after any reshaping, which involves powdering or dividing into finely chopped parts, such herbs are packed and ready to be used in the kitchen for many years.

Herbs and spices subjected to such process retain almost all of their nutritional values ​​and vitamins. They do not lose their appearance, color, aroma, and most importantly, taste. The essential oils are preserved in high amounts. The same is applied to other biologically active compounds that do not change their state and condition during lyophilization. This method is therefore very advantageous as the consumer may enjoy a product of great quality, with all nutritional value and delicious taste.